PHASE 1For castles from c8 through c15 Farms

KEY POINT:   Think Big, Start Small!!

The initial objective is to get to three Farm castles to level C15 the fastest.

Then repeat. 

Ultimately, the long-term goal is to have several Farm castles at level C19, this way you can have four marches going out, one each for Food, Wood, Stone, and Iron.

PRO TIP:  Consider having four marches out from each castle that’s dedicated to one RESOURCE (One Castle focused on FOOD, One Castle focused on WOOD, One Castle for STONE, and One Castle for IRON!  

The first major milestone is getting them to C15. THIS IS EASY…

Why Three Farm Castles? 

If you do too many at the same time, progress will be thwarted; with three you can build and flip between castles while waiting for them to finish their upgrades. 

Three is the perfect mix of efficiency and multitasking.  PLUS before C15, you don’t need IRON…

IDIOT TIP:   Do as I say, don’t do what I did! I tried TEN at a time. Too much!

  • My (without experience) milestones were get them all to C10, start earning, then get them to c15.  That I regret! The main purpose of farming is to provide RSS to help nurture quick growth of your primary castle.
  • My results were disappointing:
    • I wound up with a ton of Food and Wood, some stone, and no iron.   
    • My farm was big enough to garnish attention farms thieves, I found it hard to grow to c15!  
    • I only had a few C15 and the rest were lingering between C10 and C14, and I had no time to upgrade them as I was always on the defense and was collecting between events before someone else did!
    • So, like I said earlier – think big, but start small!  As you grow, you can add another three castles at a time – in groups of three.   
    • You’ll learn what your limitations are when you arrive there!

So it will take time to get three farms to C15, but once you are done, there is minimal time required.  I suggest starting on a day when you have free time – you can spend a few hours and get a lot accomplished.  In the first few hours, you will build nonstop.

OK – GOT IT? Want more advice? Read on…

Buildings need to get Castle to C15.  This is the quickest route to a good farm is to do the minimum building to get here!

Key points: Barracks never really need to go past Lvl 4 except at C7 you need 1 Lvl6, Depot never goes past 7. You must upgrade the wall every time, and it takes wood so be prepared! 


  1. Kings Road offers RSS + Accelerators.   Use the RSS, and save the Accelerators for after c15 (you’ll thank me later).

2. Wall: 1-14  Wall gets done every level so look at what wood you need for it and have it ready for when Castle finishes. Fetch wood in advance!

3. Avoid gathering on other alliance tiles…you are wasting RSS and paying tax – you are essentially giving them RSS for free…

4. Avoid training Golems or Pet (Dragon, Panda, Unicorn, Phonix) they waste your time when you go to harvest your farm because you have to send them out or if you don’t you kill off a few of your troops off each time…

5. Don’t start harvesting RSS from your farm until you reach C15.   Grow to C15 First!

6. Do not overbuild non-critical buildings. Only build to the minimum each time. If you don’t need it to upgrade to reach a Castle level don’t touch it. Farms are for gathering…they will never produce enough to sustain you so build them to gather / not fight!

7. Create MANY T2 Calvary…  Depending on your castle level, try to keep the number of horses under your hospital level.  (Hospital level is the number of troops your hospital and medical tents can protect.)

8. Join a farm alliance so you can gather on Elites and reap the benefit of protection.

9. Once you have several farm castles, convert one into a “Collector”. 

  • This way you have a repository for your farm and can collect regularly without having to use your main castle. 
  • This collector should farm for Jewels just like your main castle – this way it can protect the RSS using shields. 
    • More on this later, but focus on creating at least six castles to help provide RSS to your main castle.

10. Make each Farm a mirror of your primary castle. Place the same buildings inside in same spots! If there are 4 training grounds, upgrade the same one every time.  Put everything in the same spot – this way you know exactly where everything is when you need it!

Helpful Information: As your Castle level increases, it takes longer to complete the upgrades. After you get the prerequisites done for the next Castle level – this is when you want to start to upgrade the training grounds, Medic Tent, and then the RSS tiles. Once your Castle is done, go back to the Wall and minimum for that level and then start Castle again and rinse and repeat. It is important to switch between each castle when you are waiting on your castle wall and the castle walls are upgrading.  This way, you can build three farm castles without waiting essentially.  For Example:

–        Farm 4, Start C5 and then bring to lvl 4 also: 1 sawmill, 1 Barracks, Depot, 1 Training Ground, 1 Medic Tent, College, Hospital, Embassy, Drill Ground

–        Sawmill 5, Start C6 and then bring to lvl 5 also: 1 Barracks, Depot, 1 Training Ground, 1 Medic Tent, College, Hospital, Embassy, Drill Ground

–        Barracks 6, Start C7 and then bring to lvl 6 also: Depot, 1 Training Ground, 1 Medic Tent, College, Hospital, Embassy, Drill Ground

–        Depot 7, Start C8 and then bring to lvl 7 also: 1 Training Ground, 1 Medic Tent, College, Hospital, Embassy, Drill Ground

–        Training Ground 8, Start C9 and then bring to lvl 8 also: 1 Medic Tent, College, Hospital, Embassy, Drill Ground

–        Medic Tent 9, Start C10 and then College, Hospital, Embassy, Drill Ground

–        College 10, Start C11 and then also bring to lvl10: Hospital, Embassy, Drill Ground, Start Stone Mine bring to 10

–        Hospital 11, Start C12 and then also bring to lvl11:  Stone Mine, Embassy, Drill Ground

–        Stone Mine 12, Start C13 and then also bring to Lvl 12: Embassy, Drill Ground

–        Embassy 13, Start C14 and then also bring to 13: Drill Ground

–        Drill Ground 14:   Start Castle 15, When finished Add Iron Mines and start gathering Iron.

Got it?

Keep Reading before you start…  I know you are ready to go, but…

The things to remember are:

–        Do the minimum all the way to get your new farm Castle to 15 and College 12. This is where you can get the third march Military Legion II make sure you are doing the minimum military tech to get here do not do any other military tech. RSS Tech nonstop otherwise.

–        Your Depot should never go past 7. That is last castle upgrade requirement. This will allow you to clean more each time because less is protected.

–        Do not train a pet… it will try and make you… just click the tile go in and then click back off… it is a nuisance you have to send out every time you harvest your farm or you can lose a few troops each time. Never train Gollums! Your farm is for harvesting RSS so don’t make a defensive stronghold and lose troops when you harvest…you should keep it clean to where you don’t need to worry about other players hitting it.

–        After you reach C10 add stone mines and get 1 stone mine to 10 then speed to C12 and get your third march going start focusing on bringing all of your rss tiles up to castle level as fast as possible and start the minimum again to get C to 15 so you can place Iron tiles and start farming iron.

–        Make sure you are sending our T2 Cav our nonstop for gathering. You will need it. Food and Wood until you get to Stone then alter between food and stone but always have a wood going until you get to 3rd march.

–        Have all 3 barracks pumping out T2 Orc Cav nonstop if possible…  My barracks pump out 300+ every 2 hours or so add 4th barracks when available.  

–        Start working on Drill grounds so you can increase your march size… Eventually get it to match your castle level; it makes a huge difference in the amount of RSS you can gather with all 3 marches.  My castles with all tech maxed out is 57,500. This number is important! Don’t make more than you can march on all marches otherwise you’ll kill soldiers when farming!


  • Never train more troops than can fill all 3 marches. 
  • So my max troop size will be 172,500!
  • I should never have more troops than that in my castle.  (Otherwise, I have to kill them off/wound and take hits to my troops in order to harvest RSS from my farm.  I keep making this mistake!)
  • After you get to the point where you are starting to fill an entire march start focusing on getting hospital and medic tents up to current C level so if you get hit while they are home you won’t lose any troops.

–        The entire time you want to be researching all RSS tech in your college….non-stop if possible set alarms if you want a successful farm to develop have some time so you can really cook the tech.

–        This next thing is on you…

if you want to really maximize your farm…once you hit level 10 start producing items in the workshop…   however, you only want to produce certain items because only 3 items actually aid your farm.   Belt lvl 5 and 10 only, Accessory lvl 5,10,15, and Boots lvl 5,10,15.   Don’t bother Forging anything else it is pointless – it’s a waste of RSS + Time!

–        Go back to college and do the City Defense> Sturdy Defense to level 10. This just increases your castle wall times it can be hit. Helps you not have to put the fire out each time you can let it burn and not worry about your farm zeroing out and random teleporting.

Once you have three C15 farms you can spend as little as 20 minutes a day and gather upwards of 1m Food and Wood, 200k Stone and 100k Iron…

I sign on in morning for 5 minutes, send all my troops out to gather from all 3 farms. Hitting Elite first if available and then rss tiles after. 

Send all three marches. 8 hours later your troops should be back. Sign on for 5 minutes again and send them out.  At night before you go to bed sign on to each farm account. Send out your troops to gather…all 3 marches / all troops each march. (rss tiles = 3 hours or so)

Then sign onto your main (or collector castle) and start hitting your farms should take less then 10 minutes. Use all CAV if possible they gather the most per load and do small damage. It should not take more then 2-3 hits to clean your farm. Let fire burn itself out your Castle will repair itself every day. 

Once you get into a rhythm, it is even easier. 20 minutes a day can set you up to upgrade much easier…now if you are committed to fast continued growth…start this process all over again and make 3 more farm castles…

Lord Skills – Do not complete anything in WAR. Pick a side in the Development on go down it. Focus your farm on Wood or Food and then Stone or Iron. Whatever side you go down that is all you should ever gather on that farm.  

  • OR – 

PRO TIP:  Later on, once you have many farms, some should be focused solely on Food, Some on Wood, Some on Stone, and Some on Iron.  If you’d like, start focusing them now – make one for each RSS type – you’ll be happy later when you don’t have to RESET these and redo them for all your farms!   Consider making three at a time, one Food, one Wood, on Stone, then the next three can be Wood, Stone, Iron, the next three and can be Stone, Iron, and Food, and so on – this way you are always creating three and have enough of the RSS you require early on.  Just make sure you even it all out – Maybe even have an extra STONE and two extra IRON farms as you find that most gifts that come your way deliver FOOD and WOOD, rarely do you get STONE and very rarely do you get IRON.

College RSS Technology Pick what you are going to focus on only make that tech each time you sign on start a tech cooking.

Blacksmith should be maxed out – but these are the only ones to do. Obviously you can build them to blue, purple etc…  These give you load and gathering boosts:  Ice Bracelet Level 15, Bronze Belt Level 10, Iron Boots Level 15!  *** < DID YOU GET THIS? > ***

Artifacts that are helpful include Boots of Speed, Draconite, Draupnir, & Emporer’s Crown.  Don’t bother activating and spending Artifact XP Stone on anything that won’t boost your load, march speed, or soldier survivability.